Court Date: 07/24/2024 Case No: 18-142
Time: 1330- Case Type: Civil
Court Type: Supreme Court Judge: Lourdes F. Materne
Location: Koror Judge2:
Court Room: 103 Judge3:
Parties: In re: Confirmation of the Transfer of the Land Known as Ochelochel, Described as Cadastral Lot No. 037 N 09 (Formerly Temporary Lot No. 166-11165B) and Containing an are of 1,351 Square Meters, More or Less, And subdivided into Cadastral Lot No. 037 N 52 and Cadastral Lot No. 037 N 53, Located in Ngetkib Hamlet, Airai State
Other Info:
Plaintiff Attorney: Oilouch Defendant Attorney: Polloi, Pro Se
Case Memo: