Court Date: 07/16/2024 Case No: 23-00025
Time: 0900- Case Type: LC & Register
Court Type: Supreme Court Judge: Kathleen M. Salii
Location: Judge2:
Court Room: 104/ Judge3:
Parties: In the matter of the ownership of land located in Ngchemiangel Hamlet of Aimeliik State claimed as Chum, Ked ra Chum or Ngerebtaches, shown as Lot 22M02-004 on the BLS Worksheet No. 2022 M 02. Claimants: KIRUU SKILANG, ERNIE SKILANG, BACHIEI ELWANG, RALPH KANAI, VICTORIA N. KANAI and JOSHUA NGIRAKLANG on behalf of Telungalk ra Ngeaol/Kebliil ra Uchelaol.
Other Info:
Plaintiff Attorney: Polloi Defendant Attorney: Pro Se
Case Memo: