1.Where is the Court located?

The Supreme Court in Koror is located on the main road, across from Palau High School.
You can see a Google map of it here:

The Court in Melokeok is located in the Capitol Building. See this link:

2.Where do trials and hearings typically occur?

For the Supreme Court, trials and hearings typically occur in Koror, but they can be held in the capitol in Ngerulmud. For the Court of Common Pleas, trials and hearings always occur in Koror but may be held in Ngerulmud as well. For the Land Court, it depends on the location of the land at issue. If the land is in Koror or further south, the hearing or trial will typically occur in Koror. If the land is in Babeldaob or north, the hearing or trial will typically occur in Ngerulmud. Appellate oral arguments typically occur in Ngerulmud. The parties can make their preferences known at the time of the status conference, and the Court will endeavor to accommodate the parties.

3.Where can I apply for a birth certificate or a death certificate?

You can obtain a birth certificate or a death certificate at the Clerk of Courts office in Koror. The fee is $2.00 for a certified copy or $15.00 for an off-island request of a certified copy.

4.How do I open an estate for a deceased individual? What about filing for adoption? Or filing a small claim?

You can download the forms you need from this website in the Forms section. You can fill out the form on your computer or by printing it out and then completing it. Turn it in to the Clerk of Courts, along with the required fee.

5.How can I apply for a Court Counsel position?

The Office of Court Counsel hires three recent law school graduates each year. They are typically recruited from U.S. federal courts, where they have served as law clerks or staff attorneys. Recruitment beings in January and offers are extended in late May/early June. Please view the 2020-2021 vacancy announcement here.

6.How can I get legal advice?

The Judiciary cannot direct you to a specific attorney, nor can any employee of the Judiciary advise you on a legal matter. If you are indigent, you can seek assistance at the Micronesian Legal Services Corporation or, for criminal matters, the Office of the Public Defender. You can reach MLSC by calling 488-2473/2474. You can reach the Office of the Public Defender at 488-2483. To get the list of Palau Bar Members, click here.

7.How can I find out what is happening in court?

Check the Judiciary's calendar, located under the Calendar icon, or you can review a printed version at the Clerk of Courts office.

8.When is the Judiciary open?

The court is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Clerk of Courts Office only accepts payments up to 4 p.m.

9.What do I need to know about taking the Palau Bar Exam? What do I need to know about continuing legal education for attorneys in Palau?

These documents should answer your questions about practicing law in Palau.

10.Where can I find other information about visiting Palau or living in Palau?

Please check out the following helpful websites:
Palau Visitors' Authority: http://www.visit-palau.com/
Republic of Palau: http://www.palaugov.pw
Koror State Government: http://www.kororstategov.com

11.Where can I find information about other courts in Micronesia?

The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands' website may be found here:
The Federated States of Micronesia's Supreme Court website is here: http://www.fsmlaw.org